Becoming a Club Member, or renewing is simple. Complete a Membership form and pay online. 


Senior $130.00 - 18 years and over as at 1st July 2024

Associate $40.00 - as above

Student $55.00 - 16 to 19 years of age as at 1st July 2024

Family Junior Free - A Junior Member is a person under 16 years at 1st July 2024

Family $210.00 - 2 adult members and not less than one junior residing as family unit Day Member $30.00

PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION Via online payment of credit card or via online payment.

Note: Subscriptions currently run from 1//2024 to 31/6/2025

Family Membership – Please complete the following details of those family members who you wish to become members also. Family Membership constitutes Senior Man, Spouse and at least one Junior member (under the age of 16 years as at 1 July 2024)


There are numerous benefits that a Club Membership provides. Some of these include:

Meeting like-minded people who are passionate about boating, fishing and diving.

An opportunity to win prizes with weekly draws.

Access to HBSFC facilities.

Affiliation to NZ Sportfishing Council, ability to claim NZ records and participate in annual NZ Nationals

Multiple tournaments, competitions, prize-giving and social events held throughout the year

Affiliate membership status which allows you into regional fishing clubs throughout the country

Access to sponsor's specials and deals.

Take advantage of these benefits today!